The system is quite straightforward. For instance, when using WhatsApp’s camera functionality to capture an image, one can crop the photo or tweak it by adding stickers, texts, drawing or even annotations before sending it as a message.
Aside from the stickers and drawing, other notable features of the update as indicated in the app’s change log include the ability to share or forward messages and send it to multiple conversations at the same time. There are also changes to the app’s interface when recording videos as well as new features that enhance the camera’s capability when used in low-light conditions.
Voice mail
iOS and Android can send and receive voicemail to each other if they fail to take a call using Whatsapp VOIP calls.

Whatsapp Speak
Called ‘Speak, a feature has been spotted on iPhone while tapping on a chat message. The ‘Speak’ option, which reads out the text in the message aloud, appears with other options like Reply, Forward, Copy, Delete and Message.
What do you think of these new features? Drop by our comments section below and let us know.