Tech News

Twitter’s Source Code Reportedly Leaked Online

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On Friday, court filings were released, revealing that parts of Twitter’s source code, the fundamental programming behind the site, were leaked online. Twitter claimed copyright infringement and requested the offending code be removed from Github. Although the code was removed on the same day, details about the extent of the leak are not currently available. Twitter asked the US District Court to reveal the identity of the user who posted the code, as well as those who accessed and downloaded it.

Sources claim that the leak may have been caused by a disgruntled ex-employee. Elon Musk purchased Twitter for $44 billion last October and laid off 80% of the staff. Company executives are concerned that the stolen code could be used to hack user data or reveal new exploits, which would undermine the site’s functionality and lead to user and advertiser loss.

Source: Engadget

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