best web hosting providers

There are so many web hosting providers online that you will be confused about which one to choose. Hence, this is a difficult task because if you end up selecting a terrible, erratic and poor web host, you may be unable to build an effective and great online presence and it can also have a negative impact on your search rankings. This is even much more important for businesses because if their website is always down, it may result in the massive loss of customers. In this post, we share five things you should know before choosing a web host.


Whether you’re choosing a host for an existing website, or looking to start from scratch, what you want to use the site for should influence your hosting decisions. For example, do you plan to make money from your website, or is it something you’re setting up for fun? If it is for fun or personal, free hosting will serve you well. However, if it is a business website, you require a paid host.


Expensive does not necessarily mean it is the best. At the same time, you can not use a cheap web host for hosting your website especially if you rely on your website to make money. This is not a problem for small business and startup because they can upgrade later. But, blue-chip companies should never patronize cheap host due to their limited features.


Web usability is the ease of use of a website. The web host you choose has a huge role to play in making your website usable. The number one usability feature to look out for is if the web hosting provider has programs like cPanel, ispCP or ISPConfig. These programs allow you to set up and customize your website and hosting. Thus making it easier to use.


Expensive or cheap, you want a web host that is fast and responsive. It can be very annoying if your awesome and great website has a slow load time especially when you start getting engagement and traction. Simply, get a Web host that has features that make the site load quickly.

Customer Support

A web host provider must be customer friendly by ensuring they respond as fast as possible to your inquiries and complaints especially when your website is down. If they take forever to fix your website, do not use such a host. You can get information about this from your friends who already manages a website.

Recommended Web Host: InterServer
InterServer offers web hosting service starting at $5 plus a price lock guarantee. You also get a domain for $1.99 with the purchase of any web hosting package. Click here to visit their site.
I use their service for most of my client’s website and haven’t had any issues with them so far and that is why I recommend them.
Disclaimer: The links above are affiliate links ie if you sign up for InterServer through the links above, I get paid. 😉 

Do you use InterServer for your web host or have any question? Let us know by commenting below.


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