Since nobody is physically present to observe or regulate what you are doing online or on the internet, it has become a free for all. A platform where you can do whatever you like. Very few internet users self-regulate themselves. This is why it is easier for people to lie on the internet. Below are some of these lies.
1. Biographical information
Biographical information is a holistic description of yourself. It includes your name, where you reside, language and other basic information. Perhaps, we don’t want to waste time when filling out forms or signing up on social media, we simply enter incorrect information including a fake email.
2. Interests
Some persons lie about what they are interested in. They want to paint a positive picture of themselves online, so they prefer to lie about their interest. You may not be interested in skiing and bowling but because it is a requirement, you just say you are. What will you do when you are invited for an interview and they ask you to ski or bowl?
3. Age and birthday
This is perhaps the online lie almost everyone has told. We have entered other dates besides your actual dates of birth. So, many people have different dates of birth and birthdays online. So, which DOB is your own? Just give your real DOB as it only takes you less than 2 minutes to fill these forms.
4. Your photos
Many people doctor their online photos that you are unable to recognize them. In other cases, they post fake and trendy pictures all in the name of looking good. And perhaps, they do this because they want to get more comments and likes.
5. What you’ve read
The internet has made simplified a lot of things. It is possible to lie that you have read a book and if you are asked to review the book you have read, you can Google and get a summary. Done! So, we can say the internet has made it less difficult not to lie.